A Link to my roommate.

Dam dam, da da da da dam! Da da da da dam! Da da da da dam da dam! Oh geez why do I have the Zelda theme song in my head.. And.. w-wh... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CLOTHES?! I woke up on the couch and realized that I was wearing my jammies, and I wasn't wearing them last nig-... wow... Is that? Nooo, is it?! I slowly looked up and I saw that figure again, LINK?! And he's... undressing.. WHAAA!

- For god sake Melwin would you stop screaming? You're gonna wake up the neighbours! Geez.
I recognized that voice. It was James! But whyyyyy!
- James?! Why are you dressed up like Link?! Do you know how much I love-... I mean, uh, do you know how much you scared me!
- I'm sorry if I startled you Melwin, but did you really have to faint?
That's right. I fainted last night when James got home.
- Just answer my question, why are you dressed like Link? OH! And where the hell are my clothes? Did you change them from me?!
- Calm down! I will explain, but it would be much easier if you could just shut up and let me talk.
So well, we sat down at the table, took a cup of coffee and James started to explain what was going on. Clothes first, then Link.
- Okay, so like you know you fainted last night so I had to drag you to the couch, and then I realized that I was soaking wet and you became soaking wet also. So I changed your clothes and tucked you in.
- Well... don't ever do that again. Now, explain Link.
- So you know I'm a model right?
- Uhm, yeeeah?
- Yes, well I'm not quite like the ordinary male models. Most of my work is based on cosplay, especially from games. And yesterday there was a Zelda themed photoshoot. And that explains why I'm dressed as Link.
- Wait... Cosplay? YOU?
- Yes. Did I never mention that? Well I thought you'd recognize me from the magazines you have.
- What are you talking about? What magazin-...
I had to stop and think for a moment. I have one, and only one collection of cosplaying magazines. If he says the name of that magazine... ooohh dear...
- Zeraphu Cosplay. I think I saw some of those magazines on your bookshelf.
Oh fuck... he said it! I jumped up from the table and marshed over to my bookshelf, and took up the latest edition of Zeraphu Cosplay. I went back to the kitchen and put the magazine on the table in front of James.
- Oh you have this number? This must be the Devil May Cry edition, am I right?
- Just, please don't tell me that you cosplayed Dante, oh please don't tell me so.
- Well yes that is me! Wow I forgot how good these shots were!
James had opened up one of the pages. I seriously couldn't believe my eyes. That actually was him. I was so freaking confused, my head was spinning and... wait!
- Does that mean that you know that girl?!
I pointed at the girl standing next to James in the picture. She was dress up as Trish. Grrrrrr...
- Well yeah that's Anna. She's going to be Zelda in the next edition.
I heard those magical words and suddenly I began to soar. The girl of my dreams, dressed as my favorite female game character, the one that has given me way to many oh so wonderful masturbat-... uhm I mean orgas-... Just, oh fudge you all get the point. Just by thinking about it makes me all tingly! James looked at me with a kind of look that made me feel really uncomfortable, since he looked like I was going to throw fire at him or something... Oh dear god please don't get any naughty images in your tiny heads please, it's bad enough as it sounds.
- Okay, so here's the deal James; I want you, to take me to your work so that I can ask the girl of my dreams to marry me, and then live a wonderful life with her and our babies that were going to have and live happily ever afte-... are you writing this down?
James grinned to himself, what now? Did I say something weird?
- Melwin, I won't bring you to my work.
- What?! Why?
- I can't just bring anyone whenever I please, especially a supermega nerd that would probably attack the staff with his fangirling screams and tries to steal all the props!
Well he was probably right about all those things but I really want to meet this girl! Anna, oh dear sweet Anna. I would have to convince James to bring me, but how... OH! I know!
- But just imagine what I could help you with! I know so much about so many games that you couldn't ever imagine how much! I could also help the photographers! I know a thing about photographing or two! Oh pleeease please please!
- I don't know Melwin, you have to have real good contacts to get into that business.
- I've got you haven't I?! You could fix me in, oh pleeeeeeeeease!
- Fine, but please, don't pleeeeeease again, you're starting to freak me out.
- You won't regret this I promise! 

A not so pleasant surprise

"Oh yes, oh Melwin... No, don't stop! Oh my g-god...!"

I could feel her skin underneath my fingernails, I scratch it, felt the blood sipping out. That feeling, the sensation, the lust. Her movements, synchronized with mine, her voice, her body, her fluids... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! Aaand then I woke up. Oh and what's this? A massive boner? Wow, thank you sexual frustrations. No, this can't be happening! I had another dream about her, Laura. The girl I mentioned in chapter one, if you guys remember. That nasty little slut, is she going to haunt my dreams again? Fudge. Anyway, hello again. Welcome to another day of Melwin is going to be a total bitch the whole day. And you're probably have to get your shoulders ready, I'm going to be very mean to James today and he might need that shoulder for comforting. I got out of the sofa with a nasty backache, she wasn't here for real was she? It feels like I've had sex all night... Got out to the kitchen and noticed a note on the table;

"Gone to work, I made you some breakfast!
It's in the fridge.

Work? And I was planning to be mean to him. Well thanks for ruining that James. What is he, my mother? Oh thank heavens no, my mother hates me. Geez, how will I be able to live with this guy without losing my mind completely? *sigh* But wait, breakfast? I opened the fridge and noticed some pancakes on a plate. GREAT! I ate the pancakes and walked straight back to my room, back to work I guess. But it didn't take too long when suddenly it knocked on the door. What now? I have to move to the door? What a drag. It was the mailman, and he had a package for me!

- I need you to sign here, said the mailman.
I signed the papers and when I was done the mailman held out his hand, did he really expect me to tip him?
- Uhm, right, I said and closed the door.

Woo! A package for me, I wonder who it is from... EVAN!!! Omgomgomgomg what is it?! A new Xbox controller with Mass Effect theme, and two new Zelda shirts! Awesome! Maybe I don't have to be bitchy all day, I mean, now I'm all excited and happy! Until I remembered that dream I had about Laura. Faaach now I lost it all again. But, Zelda shirts, yes. Maybe I should tell you guys about something interesting instead, before you get too bored of me. I actually planned on going out today, I mean really going out. I never do that, I always sit around at home and work. I've actually made plans to see my sister today, it's been almost 2 years since I last saw her. She moved to Germany with mom 5 years ago, and I don't get to see her very often. But she called me yesterday and told me she was in town, so I'm going to see her. Fortunately mom is not with her and that's a big relief since she really seems to hate me. I got dressed and went out, we were going to meet at Luigi's, an italian resturant not too far from here. It was autumn, so it was kind of chilly outside. It kinda felt nice to take a walk since I never do that. There's so many things I've missed in this town, new buildings, they renovated the park and it looks much fresher now. Me and my sister used to spend a lot of time in this park when we were younger, she used to love to chase butterflies, she really loves them. My sisters name is Ashley and she's three years younger than me. She's always been kind of peculiar, at least that's what other people use to think. For me she's just my babysister, whom I love and care about. (Yes, I can be loving and caring too...) She's very mature, and she's also a very stubborn person, just like her big bro. I got to Luigi's and I waited outside for sis. I waited a few minutes but she didn't show up, so I took up my cellphone and called her:

- It's Ashley!
- Hey Ash, it's your big bro, where are you?
- Almost at Luigi's, we can see you! 
Wait... We? Don't tell me she brought mom anyway. But, no, it wasn't mom. I saw Ashley, and she were with some guy. Ashley ran up to me and hugged me. Oh I've missed her so much! But who's the dude?

- Mel I've missed you! Oh, Mel, this is my boyfriend Trevor.
- Hi, nice to meet you, he said and held out his hand. I didn't want to touch it, but...
- Hi, I'm Melwin, how old are you exactly?
Ashley punched me in the gut, I probably shouldn't had said that, freaking ouch! Trevor stared at me, he probably thought I was weird. But well, I am.

- Mel, be nice to him!
- It's okay babe, I don't mind him asking. I'm 23.
Don't you call my sister babe... And are you fucking kidding me? 23?! I feel that this dinner won't be very pleasant... We went inside the resturant and ordered a table for three. I would've preferred a table for two. So we sat down and ordered some dinner. We talked about everything and nothing. I didn't talk much to Trevor though, didn't like the guy. Ashley got kinda bothered by it and as soon as I almost said something very mean to him she kicked my leg under the table. Ouch. Obviously they met at a party at a friends house in Germany. Ash told me that she fell for him in an instant and I wasn't surprised. She always had a thing for guys that were buff, short dark hair and bright green or blue eyes. After a long and very tense dinner we got up and walked toward my place, Ashley wanted to see my new game collection. Trevor didn't seem too excited about it. Nice. Now I get to talk nerd with my sister and he won't understand a thing! They only stayed for like an hour though, then they had to move on to see Ashleys other friends. Yes! Bye Trevor! And Ashley can stay. Really. Just go.

- I'll miss you Mel! I'll be back soon to visit you I promise, we'll come see you before we leave.
- Does he have to co-...
Ashley stared at me with an evil look; Yes, he'll be here too. Whoopdeefuckingdoo. There's something fishy about this guy and if he ever hurts my sis I will have to break his neck. They both left and as soon as they did, it started raining, a lot. I wonder when James will get home from work... Oh well, time to organize my comic book collection! I sat with them for hours, it was getting very dark outside and I was getting kind of *yawn* sleepy... Perhaps, I should... G-go to... *KNOCK KNOCK* HOLY COW I'M UP! Wait, was someone really knocking or was I just too tired to tell the difference between reality and my imagination? I walked up to the door and opened it... No, freaking, way... There outside the door, stood a guy, dripping wet with an outfit I most certainly recognized. The green cap, the blue eyes, blonde hair... A sword and a shield... LINK?!

- Hi Melwin.
And then I fainted.

End of this page.

Day 1

Yesterday was so wonderful. Evan was here, and spent the whole day with me. It was magical, haha, I'm always so dramatic when I hang out with him. Anyway, he left today. He left me, to go to bloody France. *sigh* I will miss him so much. And this day came out to be worse, or, worse and worse, but yeah. James, the model, moves in today, whoopdeefuckingdoo. Well, who knows, it could get quite interesting... or, might not.
The day started with a few knocks on the door, I got up from my comfortable couch that I had spent my night on, gaming all night long. Yeah, that's my life. So anyway, I got up, opened the door, and there he stood. James, all dressed up fancy and he was carrying a lot of bags. Can't believe he's actually moving in with me today, oh God, why did I do this?
- Hi Melwin! How are you doing? Are you excited that I'm moving in today?!
James had a big smile on his face, yuck.
- Ehm, great I guess. Was I lying? Probably.
I'm gonna go ahead and skip the boring moving in part, I don't think you want to hear all about my complains when they were moving in James' furniture, I mean, the huge moving guys almost stepped on all my game stations! Freaking monkeys, go back to your cages! Don't you dare step on and crush my life! Yes, you are allowed to call me a diva, but don't wear it out too much, you're going to get a lot of occasions to call me that. This is not a one page story you know. Moving on.
- HEY! Be careful! If I see you get one step closer to my X-Box I'm going to have to get dangerous!
- Hey kid, relax, it's just a game!
- WHAT?! How can you say that you inconsiderate gorilla!
- Wowowowow! Take it easy you guys, no need to fight!, James panted out whilst trying to calm down the big moving guy, Larry, big ape...
- I hope you'll pay me extra for this, man, Larry mumbled.
While, Larry, and the other moving guy moved in the last of James' furniture and finally got paid so that they could leave me, and my precious apartment alone, I sat down to polish my baby, oh sweetie, did the big ugly monkeys almost step on you? And if you guys are reading this, calling me a wimp, or a nerd, or even trying to wear out the diva expression, I thank thee. But like I said, don't wear it out too much.
- Aah, finally everything is unpacked! Hey Mel, wanna go out to take something to eat? I'll buy!
I looked at James with my favorite facial expression, bitch said what?
- First up, you don't know me well enough to call me Mel, second of all, go out? So that I have to meet other people, wait for a waiter who ignores you when you're asking for a glass of water? No thank you.
- Ehm, what are you talking about? No silly, come on, it'll be fun!
- I'd rather spend my night home.
- Okay then, may I use your kitchen to cook up some food?
- Sure, as long as you don't burn the place down.
- Of course!
I stepped into my office, which also is my enormous livingroom/bedroom, and started working. And by working, I meant playing games, as usual. After quite some time, like an hour or so, I suddenly felt this wonderful smell from the kitchen. What was James cooking? My tummy started to rumble. I went out to the kitchen and I saw that the table was set up for two. James invited someone without asking me first?!
- Ehrm, what are you doing? You're supposed to ask me first if you want to invite someone.
- But I haven't invited anyone?
- But, who's the other plate for?
- You, you silly nut. Come on, sit down, food's almost ready.
I hadn't had a real meal for a long time. Since I'm such a nerd, and I'm pretty lazy too, I never found the time to cook my own food. I always bought food you only needed to heat with a microwave. And no, I'm not fat or anything. I work out, just to keep myself in shape. I even have my own gym! Heh. And I haven't sat down to eat dinner with anyone since Laura left... Oh, who's Laura you might ask? Well, I'll tell you about her some day, but right now, this is the end of this chapter.
Hope you had fun reading!



Hello there, fellow gamers!

And of course, you other people also. This is me, well, used to be me. This photo is from a couple of years ago. I'm older now, my hair is longer, my life has moved forward etc. etc.
But anyway, my name is Melwin O'Donnell. Also known as Mel, or Mel Wins. I'm what people call a nerd, a gamer, a danger for society. One of my personal favorites actually. I don't even know where people got that one from, I got a job. Not that kind of job that normal people usually have, but it's still a job. I work as a game tester, for my friend Evan who is a game developer. Although I work for him, creating games can be a kind of a slow process. And Evan is also out of the country alot, so, yeah. I live in a huge apartment in the outskirts of LA. I spend my days playing games, testing games, play games online, drink a lot of energy drinks etc. Some of my friends comes over every now and then to play games with me. I love my nerd friends. Anyway, one day I was minding my own business and I realized I need to get my hands on some money, and since Evan was out of the country, I could not get it from him. So I walked around in my apartment, thinking to myself, how could I get my hands on some money. When suddenly I walked in to a room which I never got the chance (or the energy) to decorate, so it stood empty. A little lightbuld showed up over my head, and I got an idea. I was going to rent out the room! I got my pen and paper and started to write down what I was going to put in the ad for the newspaper.

Room for Rent.
Hi, I'm a 20 year old guy named Melwin.
I live in a big apartment in the outskirts of LA.
I have a big room for rent, price can be discussed.
Looking for a roomate that has no problem with loud noises in
the middle of the night, bright light and perhaps other guys shouting
at eachother. Other than that, everything is normal.
If you're interested, call me on: … (input number here)

Great! It was settled. I know that was kind of a bad ad, but hey! Guess what, after just one week I got a phone call from someone who was intrested. It was a guy, so I was all like: - Yes! It's yours! Move in right away! Great, I thought, another guy who could join our dark brotherhood of gamers. I told him to stop by the very next day, but when I opened the door... Well, let's just say he didn't look quite like I had imagined. This guy was tall, blonde, kinda skinny and yet muscular, extremely well dressed and smelled awful. (To much aftershave maybe?) I knew right away that this was going to be a whole new experience, when I was going to live with this guy; James, the male model.


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Melwin lives alone in his pretty huge apartment. But his buddies often comes over and plays games with him; Melwin is a mega gamer. He also has a job as a game tester. But this is just a small job that he gets from time to time by his friend who are a game developer. So he needs to fix some money, and because he has a room available, he thinks, why not rent it out. So he puts an ad in the newspaper that he has a room for rent. One day he gets answer, but not quite from a person as he had in mind. The one who responded to Melwins ad, was the young, handsome, male model, James.

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