A Link to my roommate.

Dam dam, da da da da dam! Da da da da dam! Da da da da dam da dam! Oh geez why do I have the Zelda theme song in my head.. And.. w-wh... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CLOTHES?! I woke up on the couch and realized that I was wearing my jammies, and I wasn't wearing them last nig-... wow... Is that? Nooo, is it?! I slowly looked up and I saw that figure again, LINK?! And he's... undressing.. WHAAA!
- For god sake Melwin would you stop screaming? You're gonna wake up the neighbours! Geez.
I recognized that voice. It was James! But whyyyyy!
- James?! Why are you dressed up like Link?! Do you know how much I love-... I mean, uh, do you know how much you scared me!
- I'm sorry if I startled you Melwin, but did you really have to faint?
That's right. I fainted last night when James got home.
- Just answer my question, why are you dressed like Link? OH! And where the hell are my clothes? Did you change them from me?!
- Calm down! I will explain, but it would be much easier if you could just shut up and let me talk.
So well, we sat down at the table, took a cup of coffee and James started to explain what was going on. Clothes first, then Link.
- Okay, so like you know you fainted last night so I had to drag you to the couch, and then I realized that I was soaking wet and you became soaking wet also. So I changed your clothes and tucked you in.
- Well... don't ever do that again. Now, explain Link.
- So you know I'm a model right?
- Uhm, yeeeah?
- Yes, well I'm not quite like the ordinary male models. Most of my work is based on cosplay, especially from games. And yesterday there was a Zelda themed photoshoot. And that explains why I'm dressed as Link.
- Wait... Cosplay? YOU?
- Yes. Did I never mention that? Well I thought you'd recognize me from the magazines you have.
- What are you talking about? What magazin-...
I had to stop and think for a moment. I have one, and only one collection of cosplaying magazines. If he says the name of that magazine... ooohh dear...
- Zeraphu Cosplay. I think I saw some of those magazines on your bookshelf.
- For god sake Melwin would you stop screaming? You're gonna wake up the neighbours! Geez.
I recognized that voice. It was James! But whyyyyy!
- James?! Why are you dressed up like Link?! Do you know how much I love-... I mean, uh, do you know how much you scared me!
- I'm sorry if I startled you Melwin, but did you really have to faint?
That's right. I fainted last night when James got home.
- Just answer my question, why are you dressed like Link? OH! And where the hell are my clothes? Did you change them from me?!
- Calm down! I will explain, but it would be much easier if you could just shut up and let me talk.
So well, we sat down at the table, took a cup of coffee and James started to explain what was going on. Clothes first, then Link.
- Okay, so like you know you fainted last night so I had to drag you to the couch, and then I realized that I was soaking wet and you became soaking wet also. So I changed your clothes and tucked you in.
- Well... don't ever do that again. Now, explain Link.
- So you know I'm a model right?
- Uhm, yeeeah?
- Yes, well I'm not quite like the ordinary male models. Most of my work is based on cosplay, especially from games. And yesterday there was a Zelda themed photoshoot. And that explains why I'm dressed as Link.
- Wait... Cosplay? YOU?
- Yes. Did I never mention that? Well I thought you'd recognize me from the magazines you have.
- What are you talking about? What magazin-...
I had to stop and think for a moment. I have one, and only one collection of cosplaying magazines. If he says the name of that magazine... ooohh dear...
- Zeraphu Cosplay. I think I saw some of those magazines on your bookshelf.
Oh fuck... he said it! I jumped up from the table and marshed over to my bookshelf, and took up the latest edition of Zeraphu Cosplay. I went back to the kitchen and put the magazine on the table in front of James.
- Oh you have this number? This must be the Devil May Cry edition, am I right?
- Just, please don't tell me that you cosplayed Dante, oh please don't tell me so.
- Well yes that is me! Wow I forgot how good these shots were!
James had opened up one of the pages. I seriously couldn't believe my eyes. That actually was him. I was so freaking confused, my head was spinning and... wait!
- Does that mean that you know that girl?!
I pointed at the girl standing next to James in the picture. She was dress up as Trish. Grrrrrr...
- Well yeah that's Anna. She's going to be Zelda in the next edition.
I heard those magical words and suddenly I began to soar. The girl of my dreams, dressed as my favorite female game character, the one that has given me way to many oh so wonderful masturbat-... uhm I mean orgas-... Just, oh fudge you all get the point. Just by thinking about it makes me all tingly! James looked at me with a kind of look that made me feel really uncomfortable, since he looked like I was going to throw fire at him or something... Oh dear god please don't get any naughty images in your tiny heads please, it's bad enough as it sounds.
- Okay, so here's the deal James; I want you, to take me to your work so that I can ask the girl of my dreams to marry me, and then live a wonderful life with her and our babies that were going to have and live happily ever afte-... are you writing this down?
James grinned to himself, what now? Did I say something weird?
- Melwin, I won't bring you to my work.
- What?! Why?
- I can't just bring anyone whenever I please, especially a supermega nerd that would probably attack the staff with his fangirling screams and tries to steal all the props!
Well he was probably right about all those things but I really want to meet this girl! Anna, oh dear sweet Anna. I would have to convince James to bring me, but how... OH! I know!
- But just imagine what I could help you with! I know so much about so many games that you couldn't ever imagine how much! I could also help the photographers! I know a thing about photographing or two! Oh pleeease please please!
- I don't know Melwin, you have to have real good contacts to get into that business.
- I've got you haven't I?! You could fix me in, oh pleeeeeeeeease!
- Fine, but please, don't pleeeeeease again, you're starting to freak me out.
- You won't regret this I promise!
