Day 1

Yesterday was so wonderful. Evan was here, and spent the whole day with me. It was magical, haha, I'm always so dramatic when I hang out with him. Anyway, he left today. He left me, to go to bloody France. *sigh* I will miss him so much. And this day came out to be worse, or, worse and worse, but yeah. James, the model, moves in today, whoopdeefuckingdoo. Well, who knows, it could get quite interesting... or, might not.
The day started with a few knocks on the door, I got up from my comfortable couch that I had spent my night on, gaming all night long. Yeah, that's my life. So anyway, I got up, opened the door, and there he stood. James, all dressed up fancy and he was carrying a lot of bags. Can't believe he's actually moving in with me today, oh God, why did I do this?
- Hi Melwin! How are you doing? Are you excited that I'm moving in today?!
James had a big smile on his face, yuck.
- Ehm, great I guess. Was I lying? Probably.
I'm gonna go ahead and skip the boring moving in part, I don't think you want to hear all about my complains when they were moving in James' furniture, I mean, the huge moving guys almost stepped on all my game stations! Freaking monkeys, go back to your cages! Don't you dare step on and crush my life! Yes, you are allowed to call me a diva, but don't wear it out too much, you're going to get a lot of occasions to call me that. This is not a one page story you know. Moving on.
- HEY! Be careful! If I see you get one step closer to my X-Box I'm going to have to get dangerous!
- Hey kid, relax, it's just a game!
- WHAT?! How can you say that you inconsiderate gorilla!
- Wowowowow! Take it easy you guys, no need to fight!, James panted out whilst trying to calm down the big moving guy, Larry, big ape...
- I hope you'll pay me extra for this, man, Larry mumbled.
While, Larry, and the other moving guy moved in the last of James' furniture and finally got paid so that they could leave me, and my precious apartment alone, I sat down to polish my baby, oh sweetie, did the big ugly monkeys almost step on you? And if you guys are reading this, calling me a wimp, or a nerd, or even trying to wear out the diva expression, I thank thee. But like I said, don't wear it out too much.
- Aah, finally everything is unpacked! Hey Mel, wanna go out to take something to eat? I'll buy!
I looked at James with my favorite facial expression, bitch said what?
- First up, you don't know me well enough to call me Mel, second of all, go out? So that I have to meet other people, wait for a waiter who ignores you when you're asking for a glass of water? No thank you.
- Ehm, what are you talking about? No silly, come on, it'll be fun!
- I'd rather spend my night home.
- Okay then, may I use your kitchen to cook up some food?
- Sure, as long as you don't burn the place down.
- Of course!
I stepped into my office, which also is my enormous livingroom/bedroom, and started working. And by working, I meant playing games, as usual. After quite some time, like an hour or so, I suddenly felt this wonderful smell from the kitchen. What was James cooking? My tummy started to rumble. I went out to the kitchen and I saw that the table was set up for two. James invited someone without asking me first?!
- Ehrm, what are you doing? You're supposed to ask me first if you want to invite someone.
- But I haven't invited anyone?
- But, who's the other plate for?
- You, you silly nut. Come on, sit down, food's almost ready.
I hadn't had a real meal for a long time. Since I'm such a nerd, and I'm pretty lazy too, I never found the time to cook my own food. I always bought food you only needed to heat with a microwave. And no, I'm not fat or anything. I work out, just to keep myself in shape. I even have my own gym! Heh. And I haven't sat down to eat dinner with anyone since Laura left... Oh, who's Laura you might ask? Well, I'll tell you about her some day, but right now, this is the end of this chapter.
Hope you had fun reading!
